The Love Guru

This movie was a very funny movie. I really love the Guru in this movie his accent is just so funny! But I must give the most credit to the writers of this movie. They must have the best cense of humour ever! This movie is about the Toronto Maple Leafs are having a bad luck in the Stanley Cup because of some curse and the Guru has to come fix there bad luck! My favourite parts were when the Guru could not say some words right and they came out as rude words. Some of these jokes are hilarious but they can not be repeated as I want you to hear them yourself!I would definitely recommend this movie to older audiences like 25 and up because there is a lot of jokes thsa younger audiences would not catch on to. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie even though I did not get all of the jokes. Also if you rent this movie you should watch the special feature helluva elephant because it is quite interesting how they make the elephant. Also it tells you how they make the ostrich! I highly recommend this movie to people because there are a lot more funny jokes that you just have to see and hear!

Personally, I would give this movie a 7.5 out of 10 because I thought this movie was very inventive with their jokes and it has a good story line to it.

Do not forget to comment on what you would give The Love Guru out of 10!



September 24, 2008 at 5:54 PM

Hmmmmm debating if I should rent this.... Good review as usual!! Thanks for the awesome review!!!

  Ryans Blog

September 27, 2008 at 4:18 AM

Ya It looks good according to your review so i'll rent it probably


September 29, 2008 at 10:56 AM

This movie is a bit crude if u ask me. It definitely deserves an R Rating.
Your review is quite good.


September 29, 2008 at 2:42 PM

Ya. I would have to agree with you!


October 1, 2008 at 10:28 AM

I rented this movie last night based on your review and totally laughed til I cried. It was so hilarious in parts. Thanks for the great movie review once again! Can't wait til next week to see what you recommend!
Great Blog!