
The first episode of House was on last night at 8:00pm! This show is very interesting to me as they had to remove a finite from a woman so they had to cut her stomach open. Then when they were going over the scan of her body they found some kind of disease so they had to cut her open again! It made me a little sick to my stomach as it looked so real when they were doing surgery. Especially, the blood. House will be on every Tuesday at 8:00 pm. Do not miss it as it is a blast!

Personally, I really like House and I have only seen one episode this season. It just looks so awesome this year. House is absolutely hilarious! His lines are genius!

Do not forget to comment if you are a House fan!



September 18, 2008 at 1:52 PM

Sweet I love House too!

  Ryans Blog

September 18, 2008 at 2:37 PM

House is awesome


September 22, 2008 at 6:47 AM

I really enjoy this show and have been a fan since the day it came on the air! The writing is sensational!
Hugh Laurie is a terrific actor (he is Dr. House) and is so perfect in this role. I think this season is going to be very interesting & will be tuning in every week to watch!


September 23, 2008 at 11:37 AM

I absolutely think HOUSE is one of the best shows out there on TV.
totally look forward to it every Tuesday night!