My good friend... the Standard Poodle

I really love the standard poodle. I have one and he is awesome. My dog is a beast! He weighs like 75 pounds!They are very active and intelligent. What I do not like to see is when people have there standard poodles shaved with a goofy poodle haircut. It looks very bad and ugly. So i just brush my dog and make it look like a big fluff ball! I find that the best look for a standard poodle because you can do it yourself and it is free! The only bad thing about the standard poodle is they have a very loud bark so when somebody rings the doorbell I almost jump out of my chair as I am so scared! I also really like how all standard poodles are very kind and gentle when you try to play with them!

Personally, I love the standard poodle more than any dog as they are just so much fun!
Do not forget to comment on what your favourite dog is!



September 11, 2008 at 7:18 PM

I also own a standard. I agree with you. They are intelligent, kind and playful dogs. My guy has the biggest brown eyes! He was a dream to train. He has extra long legs and can run all day! He continues to bring me joy each day of my life!


September 11, 2008 at 7:22 PM

LOVE the picture that you got of the standard poodle.
I think standard poodles are awesome dogs. If I had the room I would definitely get this kind of dog. I find the little poodles yappy but the standards are a majestic and gorgeous companion.


September 15, 2008 at 5:31 PM

Standards are incredible dogs! I absolutely think they are THE BEST dog in the world! No shedding, easy to train, lovable and oh so loyal!


March 15, 2009 at 5:43 PM

I had a wonderful black standard, but recently had to put her down due to brain cancer. I replaced her with a cream miniture poodle. They are very hard to find. Now it is a toss up as to which size I like better. This one has so much personality and is so calm. My standard was a little hyper, but also good pesonality. Both very smart and easy to train. I couldn't go without one of them.