Forbidden Kingdom

Forbidden Knigdom was either a very good movie for some people or very bad movie for some people. It really depends on what kind of movie you like because in this movie there is no in between. I really liked this movie as you escaped realaity and went into the past. This is what the movie is about! When a Kung Fu-obsessed teen makes a discovery in a Chinese pawn shop, it sends him on a wild trip to Ancient China, where he must join up with a band of warriors to save the monkey king. Starring Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

This movie is very adventurous and high paced action. One of the highlights of this movie is when they were on there journey and they went through a long hot desert and Jackie Chan tried to use magic to pray for rain. SO then it starts to show droplets on his paper and he looks up and Jet Li is peeing on him! It is hilarious! There are many other highlights but I do not want to ruin the movie for you! I suggest you rent or watch this movie As Soon As Possible. For you who like kung Fu and Fantasy mixed together you will love this movie. You will not regret it!

Personally, I would give this movie an 8.5 out of 10 because it is my kind of movie, they were creative, {I hate watching a movie that you can predict the ending!}and you feel like you are in Ancient China with them!

Do not forget to comment on what you think this movie should be rated!

Chow for Now!



September 14, 2008 at 7:40 AM

Nice review! BTW I started a new blog!


September 15, 2008 at 5:30 PM

I really enjoyed this movie as well. Think it was well done and full of action and good story!