Two Awesome games!!!

Resistance 2 and Far Cry 2 are going to be very popular when they come out. Far Cry looks so good because you have so much freedom. For Example in a demo they were showing thee guy putting grass on fire with a flamethrower. In Far Cry 2 there is so much gun selection. Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher , AK-47 and more. The Map Editor has anything you can think of. There is a interview of the creator of this game and he tells you all about. If you were wondering it is called Far Cry 2 Map Editor Interview. When you shoot a flammable barrel and it explodes it is a huge explosion! The game looks like it was very well made and the creators put a lot of time into it. Now for Resistance 2. There is an amazing video on it and it is called Resistance 2 Boss Fight. Resistance 2 has very intense and fun filled Coop missions. The single player is very high paced as well. Resistance 2 has some of the best boss fight you will ever see and probably will ever play! The single player campaign is different then the Coop campaign. That's awesome because then you won't be bored of playing the same thing! Resistance 2 is a lot gorier than the first Resistance. Resistance 2 is realistic because the majority of the game takes place in the united States! This game looks very good as the boss fights just look outstanding!

If you are in to making maps and having lots of freedom than Far Cry 2 is definitely the game for you. If you like more realistic and boss fight games then Resistance 2 is the game for you.

Personally, Resistance 2 is more my type of game as I am big on killing bosses and I am not a big fan of making my own maps as I like to just play the game!

Resistance 2 is coming out on November 4th 2008!
Far cry 2 is coming out on October 21st 2008!

Do not forget to comment on what game you like more!!



August 26, 2008 at 3:38 PM

Personally in my opinion, I prefer Far Cry 2, just because it's my kind of game ( open world , good graphics ect)but Resistance 2 also looks unbelieveable , espiecially in the boss department. Loved the article :P

Keep writing ,


August 26, 2008 at 4:22 PM

Wow that article rocked! You are a really great blogger and I look forward to reading your blog everyday!