PC vs PS3

The Pc and the playstation 3 are the best ways to play a game. I prefer to play a game [especially Call of Duty 4] on the Playstation 3 as the bigger the screen you play on the more realistic it gets. With the PC it seems like "ya I'm playing a computer game with my keyboard and mouse". With the Ps3 you are holding something therefore you feel like your in the game more. Not to mention the graphics on the Ps3 are WAY better than the Pc. I find the volume a lot lounder on the T.V when you play Ps3 as it sometimes has bigger speakers. Volume is another thing that makes you feel like your in the game. Sometimes when I am being stealthy in Call of Duty 4 I don't move as I want to be as quiet as I can. I feel like if I make a sound they will hear me. Another up side is you can probably get a PS3 and controllers for less than a computer!

Personally, I prefer the PS3 as the Overall expierience of the game is better on the PS3 than the PC .
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